I tie what Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20 (grt comm) to what happens at the end of Scripture.
Jesus told us--"disciple ALL the NATIONs!" that's NOT a small task... BUT, at the end of the Book, in Revelation 21:24-26, the "kings of...
so many things involved IF we actually shoot, in our missional language, for "obedient nations!"
in some ways, "obedient nations" is simply a vast expanding of our core, missional objectives...so that we're no longer shooting for JUST...
why is a dispensational view of the future do popular on Christian talk-shows in the States?
I certainly USED to be a pretty standard 'dispensationalist.' But, that view has eroded in my thinking, in large part because of a long...
Does "the millennium" have much to do our view of the future?
It's an interesting question, because normally, at least 'evangelicals' tend almost to lump the entire 'end-time discussion' around...
what does 'obedient nations' have to do with end-time stuff?
Have been reading LOTS of books on eschatology...because I realized, as I delved into this 'obedient nations' idea...that whatever...

Missio Dei : The "How-To"
Hello, all! Today I tackle the biggest, toughest, and most important question throughout all of this: how do we go about this task? What...